MBA in Educational Leadership | Vocational Teacher | Service Design & Service Management A dynamic expert in online pedagogy and learning design, backed by over 12 years of experience. Mira Perämäki is a seasoned trainer with extensive expertise […]
MBA in Educational Leadership | Vocational Teacher | Service Design & Service Management A dynamic expert in online pedagogy and learning design, backed by over 12 years of experience. Mira Perämäki is a seasoned trainer with extensive expertise […]
CONFERENCE KEYNOTE Sachiko Muto is the Chair of OpenForum Europe and a senior researcher at RISE Research Institutes of Sweden. She originally joined OFE in 2007 and served for several years as Director with responsibility for government relations and then […]
Daniil Smirnov, a Software Architect specializing in cloud systems and architectures, full stack software development, and technical leadership of projects. With a strong belief in open-source technologies, I am passionate about designing scalable and efficient solutions that drive innovation. Topic […]
Marjukka Niinioja on API- ja datatalouden palveluita tarjoavan Osaango Oy:n perustaja. Marjukka on liiketoiminta- ja tekninen konsultti, APIDays Helsinki & North konferenssin järjestäjä ja yksi API Economy 101 -kirjan kirjoittajista, sekä APIOps Cycles -menetelmän ”äiti”. Marjukka on konsultoinut julkishallintoa ja […]
Martin von Willebrand is a technology lawyer with a focus on open technologies. He helps organizations work with open technologies and build their open source competence. Typical matters he advises on include open source policies, compliance, contributing, publishing code, related […]
Tiia Lehtinen työskentelee Pirkanmaan hyvinvointialueella lasten, nuorten ja perheiden digitaalisten palveluiden kehittämisessä. Kokemusta kehittämistehtävistä useamman vuoden ajalta, viimeisimpänä tekoälyn hyödyntämisestä sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollossa. Koulutukseltaan hän on terveystieteiden maisteri. Topic of speech (in Finnish): Tekoäly sosiaalihuollossa, generatiivisella tekoälyllä koostettu lapsen palvelutarpeen […]
Mikael Rinnetmäki on terveysteknologiayrittäjä ja diabeteksen hoitoon keskittyviä sovelluksia toteuttavan Sensotrend-yrityksen perustaja ja terveydenhuollon tietojärjestelmien yhteentoimivuutta edistävän HL7 Finland -yhdistyksen FHIR-lähettiläs. Hän on urallaan osallistunut mm. Omatietovarannon, Omaolon ja Terveyskylän kehittämiseen. Topic of speech (in Finnish): Avointen rajapintojen mahdollistamat sovellusekosysteemit […]
Meet Pekka Kortelainen, a seasoned WordPress expert & enthusiast. With a passion towards open-source software, he utilizes his expertise as a System Specialist for Seravo. Having experience from giving talks on WordPress-specific events (WordCamps) he’ll be bringing a point of […]
Tarmo Toikkanen and Sitra have been funding experiments with Finnish openly licensed large language models. What are they good for, and what advantages and disadvantages do they have compared to commercial AI services? Tarmo works in Sitra towards a fair […]
Emiel Brok has lived and breathed the open source philosophy for over 20 years. He trusts the ’Power of Many’ and ’Public Money Public Code’ to continuously change the world into a better place. He also hosts an online show […]